The Port Washington Winter Farmers’ Market is interested in sponsoring a blood drive with the American Red Cross. By hosting blood drives, our organization will demonstrate its commitment to community health needs while helping to ensure that an adequate blood supply is available at all times for anyone who needs it. Also, by holding a blood drive, we are hoping to offer our community a more convenient blood donation opportunity.
We would like to determine the level of interest in inviting the American Red Cross into our organization.
Please fill out the quick survey below so we can let the Red Cross know if we have enough interest to hold a blood drive.
If you are at least 17 years old, 16 years old with a signed Red Cross parental/guardian consent form where state permits, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good health, you may be eligible to give blood. High school students and other donors 18 years old and younger must also meet other height and weight requirements. Giving blood is safe, simple and helps save lives. Each pint of blood that is donated may be helping as many as three people. The American Red Cross is the largest single provider of blood in the country. They provide blood to 3,000 hospitals across the country. About 38,000 people need blood each day in the United States. Those people count on volunteer donors to give them a chance at life.
If you have any questions, you can email Amy at or conact us through Facebook. We will let you know if a blood drive will be scheduled.
Thank you in advance!